kung fu style + medals

kung fu style + medals

The staff and students of APIIT/UCTI wish to welcome you to the APIIT/UCTI taekwondo website.

Club Objectives

  1. To develop an appreciation for Taekwondo as a sport and as an art
  2. To achieve physical fitness through positive participation
  3. To improve mental discipline and emotional equanimity
  4. To learn self-defense skills
  5. To develop a sense of responsibility for one self and others.

Club Training Times

We train in APIIT/UCTI@TPM Atrium as follows:

Monday evening in APIIT/UCTI@TPM from 6.00pm until 7.30pm

Thursday evening in APIIT/UCTI@TPM from 6.00pm until 7.30pm

Come and watch or better still come and try the sport out.


We hope that you will find the site interesting and informative.

Keep your eyes peeled for news and details of events.

If you have any comments or questions then please feel free to contact us:

Li Jing, Sally – lijing@apiit.edu.my

Andy Seddon – andy@apiit.edu.my

All of us - Apiit Taekwondo Club

All of us - Apiit Taekwondo Club

big screen

big screen

Eng Eu Mao

Eng Eu Mao

Song Wei Chen and Hendy

Song Wei Chen and Hendy

isabella + oponent

isabella + oponent

Lim Yeow Chet + the opponent

Lim Yeow Chet + the opponent

Song + poomsae winners

Song + poomsae winners

overall cup + kdu

overall cup + kdu

banners + medals

banners + medals
No posts.
No posts.